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3 Best Low-Impact Machines to Support your Fitness Goals.

Staying fit and healthy is essential, but only some have the time or inclination to hit the gym daily. With busy schedules and limited access to gyms, many take home workouts to stay active and healthy. 

However, if you want a full-body workout right in the comfort of your home without putting too much stress on your joints, a cross-trainer is what you need. This blog will explore some common machines that are easy to set up at home and also provide a full-body workout without leaving you feeling sore.


When exploring low-impact fitness machines, you can't go wrong with any of these below.

  • Cross trainers
  • Rowers
  • Stationary bikes

Let’s explore these machines and why they are recommended for low-impact workouts.

First on the list is the cross trainer.

Six Key Benefits of Using a Cross Trainer

Low-Impact Workout

One of the main benefits of using a cross trainer is that it provides a low-impact workout that's easy on your joints. Unlike running or jumping, which can put a lot of stress on your knees and ankles, cross-training is a low-impact activity that can help prevent injuries and reduce joint pain and stiffness.



The model is on the Cardio Fit C30 Cross Trainer

Full-Body Workout

Another great benefit of using a cross trainer is that it provides a full-body workout that engages all your major muscle groups. For example, a cross trainer will work your arms, legs, core, and back muscles, helping you tone and strengthen your entire body. 

Varied Resistance Levels

Most cross-trainers come with adjustable resistance levels, allowing you to vary the intensity of your workout and target different muscle groups. By adjusting the resistance, you can challenge yourself and get more effective training, whether to burn calories, build strength, or increase your endurance. 

Weight Loss

Cross trainers are also great for weight loss, as they allow you to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. Depending on your weight and workout intensity, you can burn up to 800 calories per hour on a cross-trainer. This makes it an excellent option for anyone losing or maintaining a healthy weight. 



Cross-training is also great for toning and shaping your muscles. A cross trainer can work your legs, arms, and core muscles, helping you achieve a lean and toned physique. So whether you want to build muscle or get more definition, a cross-trainer can help you achieve your goals. 

Heart Health

Finally, using a cross-trainer can also greatly benefit your heart health. Cross-training is a cardiovascular exercise that can help improve your overall fitness level and reduce your risk of heart disease. Using a cross-trainer regularly can improve your heart health and help you enjoy better overall health and wellness. 

Looking for other cardio machines that offer full-body workouts without stressing your joints?

Let’s explore the options below: 

Rowing Machines

Rowing Machines provide a full-body workout that's low-impact and effective. With a sliding seat and oar-like handles, rowing machines engage your legs, arms, and core muscles while providing a cardiovascular workout. They also offer adjustable resistance levels to customise your workout.

The R30 below is an efficient full-body movement trainer with eight resistance levels, allowing you to tailor your workout's intensity. With the Tunturi Cardio Fit R30 Rower, you work on building muscle mass in a controlled manner.


Turnturi Cardio Fit R30 Rowing Machine

Stationary Bikes

Exercise bikes, such as the Cardio Fit B30 Exercise Bike from Tunturi, are popular for low-impact workouts at home. The model below is a starter fitness bike tailored to the novice or casual user. Adjustable resistance levels and preset programs allow you to customise your workout and target specific muscle groups. 



Cardio Fit B30 Exercise Bike


The CARDIO FIT S30 SPRINTER BIKE shown below has also proven popular amongst our clients.


See also the Competence F20R Recumbent Exercise Bike.

Whether dealing with joint pain or looking for a low-impact way to stay active and healthy at home, the fitness machines highlighted here are an excellent investment. With various features and benefits, such as multiple resistances, they can help you get the most out of your workout.


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